
Distinguished Customer, Adopting total quality concept since the foundation of our company to date, always keeps customer satisfaction in the foreground. We have always stood firmly behind our product, not just to sell the product. We take these products from our staff, who produce them as if they use them, with the confidence of our quality products. The main purpose is to meet the needs of our customers without sacrificing product quality.

"ZERDALI KOBİLYA" is the quality of the raw materials used as the most important element that is different. FURNITURE apricot, followed by an honest, productive, robust policy of containing faith and confidence, currently exporting to 14 points abroad, Turkey has become a firm providing services in more than 100 points across.

ZERDALİ MOBİLYA products we produce have become famous with their quality and durability by choosing hundreds of raw materials and materials with care to respond effectively to customer expectations and sticking to maximum quality standards.

With ZERDALI FURNITURE, MISSIONS and PRINCIPLES, the day will continue to be home to more and more guests.


Our employees, our partners, our customers, our product and service suppliers; working in an environmentally conscious, competitive environment at the lowest cost, producing the most sellable at the lowest cost, open to innovation and development, meeting the expectations of our share, by working professionally with team philosophy, creating safe and peaceful, transparent, democratic and profitable environment and ensuring continuity It is our mission to be a brand in the sector that contributes to the economy.


In the light of our management and production strategies that we have created in the frame of our basic quality policies, we are in the sector as an advanced and reputable company with our products we produce; to be among the leading organizations, to be a reference to quality, to be a follower of the latest technology, to be a pioneer in design and aesthetics with its modern line, and to be preferred to domestic and foreign markets and customers.


To accept customers 'requests as customer satisfaction and to respond to all of our customers' positive or negative feedback as soon as possible. To make our entire working system focused on customer satisfaction. Considering the legal and regulatory requirements, financial and operating conditions, the input of the customer, staff and other parties. ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Policy.